Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vindication and Vindictiveness

Yesterday, Ed Schultz did his MSNBC show from Toledo, Ohio. 

Toledo lost 39% of its manufacturing jobs in the last decade.  I assume that's on top of a gizzillion blue-collar jobs lost prior to 2000.  Although Ed's guests included the head of the steelworkers' union, it seemed, that most of the crowd were not factory workers (or ex-factory workers), but were teachers, cops, firefighters, and other unionized government employees targeted for impoverishment by Ohio's Tea Partying guv, John Kasich.

I, too, despise the third world trajectory plotted by Kasich and his fellow members of the Koch Brotherhood.  I support the unions.  But, I also want an apology.  I want all those macho schmucks and angry women to admit their role in bringing America to this awful point.  All of them -- who voted for Reagan then shrugged off his firing of the air traffic controllers, who voted for W (probably twice) and waved oversized Old Glories when we invaded Iraq and raged at "traitors" criticizing that absurd war, who claim a moral high ground but are silent on torture, who have been suckered by anti-gay and anti-immigrant dog whistle distractions -- owe the rest of us a big apology. 

Admit it; the liberals were right, and you were wrong.  You should follow the AA example by making amends to the millions of people you harmed during your forty year conservatism binge.  Admit that the broken furniture, smashed windows, and depleted checking account are your goddamn fault.  Your fault; the booze and the coke and the Republican whores are not to blame.  You are. 

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