Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More Math

The tax returns are out.  Mitt and Ann Romney received $21,600,000 in 2010.  Received is the most neutral verb I've found for the previous sentence.  Earned has a moral sense.  Collected implies some effort.  Acquired doesn't add useful nuance.  Income is a noun.  I'll stay with received.

And received they did.  $59,000 spewed through the Romney spigot on an average day.  Every day, for a full year.  In 2010, one day of being Romney -- just one day -- brought in more money than the median US household earned in an entire year.  Or, think about the four days of Thanksgiving.  Mitt and Ann received almost a quarter of a million dollars: $237,000 from the time the turkey was slid into the oven until the last leftovers were eaten.  In just those four days, the Romney's got more money than 98% of Americans get in one year.

Ooops.  I had to put this post on hold while running an errand.  The little trip took 20 minutes and, in that time, Mitt sucked up another $820.

America has reached banana-republic-magnitude income disparity.  Our skewed distribution of wealth is the sign of a sick society.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wrong wrong wrong, again

America and Europe are running their economies as well as Francesco Schettino steered the Costa Concordia. The financial results are and will be just as predictable.  But, Very Serious People demand even more austerity to supplement failed austerity.  Why?  Because people can believe just about anything:
Evolution is only a theory, global warming is a hoax, the Earth is 6000 years old, homeopathy works, vaccines cause autism, Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons, a mythical magical invisible omnipotent all-powerful being guides holy quarterbacks to victory, women should be subservient to men, the President is a Muslim, Earth Day   celebrates Lenin's birthday, Yuri Geller, foreign aide takes a large part of the national budget, Obama is a communist, Iraq helped the 9/11 hijackers, cell phones cause brain cancer, the Laffer Curve, Sylvia Browne, Jonathan Edward, Juan de Dios, The Secret, and Jim Jones,
not matter how strong the opposing evidence.