Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Common Ground

Self-pity is the unifying trait of white working class Trump voters.  Krugman recently suggested anti-intellectualism.  That seemed almost right, but not exactly on target because anti-intellectualism is more mindset than a core emotion.  Self-pitiers blame all misfortune on a hostile world.  Store clerks are rude.  Teachers are out to get my kid.  Bosses pick on me.  Fifty cars on the road are speeding, but the cop stopped me because he needed to get a white guy to avoid looking prejudiced and why wasn't he going after real criminals like murderers and rapists.  And on and on.  When everyone else is at fault, problems don't get solved.  They just get repeated.

The self-pity gene also codes for high fear of non-existent threats.  Obama will take away my guns.  Sharia law is being let loose across the land.  Global warming is a conspiracy that will force me to forfeit my V8's and pickups.  Poor, poor self-pitying victims squint at the world from behind closed curtains, waiting for the next injustice to reinforce their paranoid narcissistic world view.

A family I knew well suffered multigenerational self-pity.  Nature and nurture had dug a very deep hole. Six of six siblings were severely dyslexic. Education was torture.  One of the boys was dragged down the street every weekday morning as he screamed, "No school!  No school!"  The parents, self-pitiers both, did not know how to get the help that the schools are required to provide. Instead they snarled about a teacher who suggested testing the youngest child for learning disabilities. "All they want to do is put a label on the kid.  Why don't they realize that every kid is different?"

Tolstoy be damned.  The family, like millions of other people, followed the same self-pitying path of lousy jobs, alcohol, drugs, early pregnancies and low-birth-weight babies, and guns.  Pigeons oh so easily plucked by a master con man.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Death to Public Schools

School voucher plans don't add up.  Here in paradise, Santa Fe public school funding is about $7500 per student.  That comes close to the $9600 in tuition and fees charged by the city's largest parochial high school and is far less than the $22,000 charged by the city's largest non-sectarian private school.  What will happen if the Amway-Blackwater Secretary of Education gets her way and it's vouchers all the way down?  I predict chaos.  The Archbishop will hit the fainting couch.  There's no way that the parochial schools could expand to meet the likely free-market demand.  No way to add more classrooms to cope with the new enrollment.

What about special services?  That $7500 per student is an average.  Many students with disabilities cost more.  Where will the extra come from or are the students who require the most assistance going to get the least?

How will private schools find enough teachers to fill the demand?  The only pool of experienced teachers are the teachers now in the public school system.  In the grand delusion of free markets, the creme de la creme of those teachers will be lured away by offers of high salaries.  But, there is a built-in salary cap that is tied to the size of the vouchers.  Higher salaries require more students per class and that just perpetuates one of the big problems in public schools.   Maybe some entrepreneur will create a guest worker business to bring in low-salaried teachers from abroad.  There are excellent, English-speaking teachers in India and Africa who would happily work for a pittance.

The voucherized free market will become yet another race to the bottom.  And that's part of the plan.  Trump's proposed Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos,

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

76 Trombones

Trump is already kicking the rubes to the gutter.  Imagine that. The chumps were warned.  They heard about all the other scams.  They didn't listen.  Instead, the marks danced on delighted tiptoe to the polls.  And now, Mexico won't be paying for a wall that won't be built.  Hillary Clinton will not be jailed or even investigated.  The Paris climate accord might be a good thing.  The coal industry will stay dead.  Obamacare will survive.  Syria and ISIS will remain intractable.

How are you feeling now, suckers?

On Matt Taibbi and Words

From a recent post by Matt Taibbi:
Many reporters, myself included, found themselves thinking about this film [Idiocracy] when we heard voters saying they were literally incapable of understanding the words coming out of Hillary Clinton's mouth.
"When [Trump] talks, I actually understand what he's saying," a young Pennsylvanian named Trent Gower told me at a Trump event a month ago. "But, like, when fricking Hillary Clinton talks, it just sounds like a bunch of bullshit."
 My God, it really is time to use the s-word.  Voters are too stupid to understand simple declarative sentences and grade school vocabulary.  What gives?  How is it possible for people to reach voting age without absorbing enough information needed for the smallest amount of critical thinking?  How do they manage to dress themselves in the morning or tie their own shoes?

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Global Warming Science (Part 1)

Global warming is real, is caused by people, and its consequences are likely to be catastrophic.

The deniers favorite lie is that climate scientists are greedy nerds spreading a false alarm in order to get grant money.  You don't have to know anything about science or scientists to pop that bubble: the denialist side pays much better for almost no work.  Real easy money for anyone with have Prof in front of thier name or PhD after it, and a middling talent for lying.

Thanksgiving is coming and will be an angry time around many US dinner tables.  In preparation for the arguments about climate change, I am posting information about the basic science of global warming.  The science is not new.  It started in the 19th century and ended fifty years ago with a series of measurements that proved global warming's inevitability.  Those results have been validated again and again.

Global Warming Science (Part 1)

Global warming is real, is caused by people, and its consequences are likely to be catastrophic.

The deniers favorite lie is that climate scientists are greedy nerds spreading a false alarm in order to get grant money.  You don't have to know anything about science or scientists to pop that bubble: the denialist side pays much better for almost no work.  Real easy money for anyone with have Prof in front of thier name or PhD after it, and a middling talent for lying.

Thanksgiving is coming and will be an angry time around many US dinner tables.  In preparation for the arguments about climate change, I am posting information about the basic science of global warming.  The science is not new.  It started in the 19th century and ended fifty years ago with a series of measurements that proved global warming's inevitability.  Those results have been validated again and again.

Global Warming Science (Part 1)

Global warming is real, is caused by people, and its consequences are likely to be catastrophic.

The deniers favorite lie is that climate scientists are greedy nerds spreading a false alarm in order to get grant money.  You don't have to know anything about science or scientists to pop that bubble: the denialist side pays much better for almost no work.  Real easy money for anyone with have Prof in front of thier name or PhD after it, and a middling talent for lying.

Thanksgiving is coming and won't it be a angry time around many US dinner tables.  In preparation, I am posting information about the basic science of global warming.  The science is not new.  It started in the 19th century and ended fifty years ago with a series of measurements that proved global warming's inevitability.  Those results have been validated again and again.

A Question from the new SAT

Try this.  "Global warming denier is to EPA as _______ is to _________."  10 points.   Right now, my best shot is, "...as flat Earther is to NASA."  It catches the parallel of buffoons leading science-based government agencies, but misses big time on smugness, cruelty, and real damage to real lives.  Flat earthers may be anachronistic.  Global warming deniers are criminally insane.