Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Cancer

It really is cancer.  The metaphor is accurate.  Malignancy may start in a myriad of locations and a myriad of ways.  But, the progression towards death follows a narrowing path as rapidly multiplying tumor cells mutate and mutate, ever progressing towards the worst case, deadliest genetic changes.  Victims are bystanders at a light-speed craps table.  Cancer rolls the dice again and again, always faster, until, inevitably, snake eyes.

Violent, murderous anti-Semitism was a certain destination for right wing America's modern trajectory.  Only the starting points and initial steps were unpredictable.  The disease simmered, boiled, went cold, and popped.  Some anti-Semites were shamed into quiet by the Holocaust and they, instead, focused on racism.  Communist witch hunts including the Rosenbergs' executions were cover for low level anti-Semitism.

The 2008 crash marked the transition from Stage II to Stage III.  The cancer spread from initiation to nearby tissue.  The old tropes emerged.  Cabals of Jewish bankers.  Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  Rothschilds.  Goldman, Sachs, Rubin and Blankfein. 

Now, stage IV.  Nazis in Charleston chanting, "Jews will not replace us."  A Senator from Iowa allowing George Soros possible involvement behind women protesting Brett Kavanaugh, "It fits in his attack mode and how he uses his billions and billions of resources." A US Senator born in 1933.  High school students in Wisconsin giving the Hitler salute in their class photo.  Swastikas and vandalism at synagogues and Jewish cemeteries. 

Mass murder in Pittsburgh.

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