Saturday, February 18, 2012

In Pain

I hurt my right shoulder seven weeks ago.  Pain, as measured on the 10-point scale, started in the 7 to 8 range and has mellowed into 2's and 3's.  That's bad enough to wake me several times a night.  My medical insurance coverage is OK, though more pricey and less comprehensive than what I had a decade ago.  Out of pocket expenses are now a little over $900.  In one sense, yes, I can afford it which means that I don't have to choose between physical therapy or groceries, haven't been late on the mortgage in order to pay a doctor bill, and have kept up with utilities and health insurance.  But, pain does wonders for focusing the mind and, in my case, for examining ideas about fairness.  Here is my radical idea:  Mitt Romney should pay my medical expenses.  So should Donald Trump, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul; also the Koch brothers, Hunt brothers, and Baldwin brothers.   Add Michael Moore, Jane Fonda, and John Kerry.  And, my neighbors, cops on patrol, and the county firefighters.

Because, here's the deal.  Pain is awful.  Cancer and heart disease are worse.  And, we the people have a moral obligation to help each other.  Sometimes we have to grit our teeth like when a drinker needs a liver transplant or a motorcyclist riding without a helmet requires brain surgery.  We may not like their behavior, but that's just too bad.  Health care is a human right, not an entitlement.   My injured shoulder gets treated and my taxes help pay for everyone else's health care.  Anything less is grotesque cruelty.

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