Monday, April 20, 2009

Frank Rich in Sunday's New York Times sees the conservative, anti-gay movement fizzling as fast as the economy. There is a connection, though different from Rich's explanation. Right wing propagandists are institutional investors. It's all about the money. They hold a position while prices rise, then sell off at the first sign of decline.

The wealthy crazies funding wingnut media don't care about the message. They only want to protect their money. One tactic has worked again and again. Create and market fear; then sell conservative politics as the only possible response. Blacks, Jews, Catholics, communists, socialists, feminists, gays, liberals, and Muslims have all been advertised as the Big Threat to America. When one begins to fade, another is brought out, and new hysterics begun.

Now, Gay Marriage has run its cycle. Republicans used the issue to get out the conservative vote in the 2004 election. California's bigots won big the first time the state voted on gay marriage. But, Proposition 8 was a squeaker despite a wagon train of Mormon money. The trend is obvious. Gay marriage no longer generates enough fear. The wingnuts have moved on to tea bags.

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